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Relaxing Massage

Discover a massage that relieves stress and tension throughout the body, helping you to reconnect with yourself.

Benefits of a relaxing massage


The relaxing massage provides a pleasant feeling of disconnection.


The applied techniques help relaxing the muscles and clear the mind.

Blood circulation

This massage promotes blood flow and circulation. Relieves tension and helps reconnect with yourself.

The center and the massage cabin

Masaje relajante en Barcelona Colby Wellbeing

Our relaxing massage

A stress-relieving massage that is performed on the entire body. Manipulations with oil are made in areas such as the shoulders and back, cervical, lumbar, legs, arms, feet, hands and especially the head.

Therefore, a state of relaxation and well-being of body and mind is achieved. A truly relaxing massage that is also called anti-stress massage.

What is a relaxing massage?

It is a massage that relieves stress and is performed on the whole body. Manipulations with oil are made in areas such as shoulders and back, cervical, lumbar, legs, arms, feet, hands and especially the head. In this way a state of relaxation and well-being of body and mind is achieved. The relaxing massage is also called anti-stress massage.

The relaxing massage is good for:

  • General relaxation of the body.
  • Relaxation of the mind favoring slow and deep breathing.
  • Promotes blood circulation.
  • Relieves muscle discomfort caused by bad postural habits.
  • Generates a comforting body and emotional wellbeing.

How do we do a relaxing massage?

The maneuver starts with the feet and gradually incorporates other parts of the body. Pressure and rhythm are the most important in this massage. There is no excessive pressure, and the rhythm is slow. We apply oils with natural essences, which promotes relaxation.

What types of relaxing massages are there?

The relaxing massage has many varieties depending on the pressure applied. In turn, the essences of the oils enhance different sensations: Citrus fruits are revitalizing. Aromatic plants are used to decontract or to relax.

When is a relaxing massage suitable for you?

As its name suggests, this procedure is very suitable for women who need a moment to find themselves and are looking for a moment of relaxation. Stressful and anxious situations are relieved with relaxing massages.

Where is the relaxing massage performed?

This maneuver is performed on different areas of the body, and therefore the session is usually done on a comfortable stretcher in a way that favors access to all areas to be massaged.

Why should you have a relaxing massage?

The pressure I apply in anti-stress massages relaxes the body and mind. The friction allows to loosen the muscles of the body and generates a rewarding state of relaxation.

What is a relaxing massage for?

Every woman’s daily life is full of situations that generate tiredness and tension. The relaxing or anti-stress massage is an effective help to combat them.

For whom is the relaxing massage indicated?

It is a therapy that is pleasant for all women, especially those who have an accelerated day to day. Given its relaxing effect on body and mind, it is recommended for people who want a moment of well-being, disconnection and inner peace.

How long does the relaxing massage last?

The relaxing massage at Colby Wellbeing can last between 60 and 80 minutes, as desired.

What is the cost of a relaxin massage?

The price of a relaxing massage is 60 – 75€ depending on the massaging time.