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Massages in Barcelona

At Colby Wellbeing we offer a complete selection of massages where we combine knowledge, product quality, harmony, well-being and passion for what we do.

Discover all our massages

Masaje descontracturante en Barcelona
Decontracting massage
Masaje relajante en Barcelona Colby Wellbeing
Relaxing massage
Masaje tejido profundo Barcelona
Deep tissue massage
Masaje Facial Barcelona Colby Wellbeing
Craniofacial massage
Masaje Jet-Lag en Barcelona
Jet Lag massage
Masaje para embarazadas Barcelona
Pregnancy massage
Masaje con velas en Barcelona Colby Wellbeing
Hot candle massage
Masaje de pies en Barcelona Colby Wellbeing
Foot massage
Foto de un Masaje de espalda en Barcelona
Back massage
Foto de un Masaje en pareja en Barcelona
Couples massage
Foto de un masaje circulatorio en Barcleona
Circulatory leg massage

The center and the massage cabin

Come in and try our massages

We work with passion and you can feel it in every detail. Come and discover by yourself the difference.

What is massage and what is it for?

A massage is a technique of contact with the hands in which pressure is applied and manipulates the muscles and other soft tissues. In some cases, depending on the technique used, pressure is applied with the forearms, feet or elbows. Massage is one of the most widespread and popular therapeutic techniques among almost all societies in the world.

In this sense, a therapeutic massage is one that chains a set of maneuvers and manipulations aimed at preventing, recovering and maintaining the body in good condition or in a state of relaxation.

We usually refer to “massage” as a set of maneuvers performed by a masseur that includes pressure, friction, manipulation and kneading on the skin, muscles, tendons and/or ligaments. Thus, its intensity can vary greatly, ranging from light touch to intense and localized pressure.

Thus, the aim of massage is to release tension in the musculature and to firm the soft tissues and joints. The massages have a toning effect that relaxes and promotes blood and lymphatic circulation. This not only strengthens the body’s natural balance, but also eliminates toxins.

Massage is possibly one of the oldest healing techniques of mankind. As a result, numerous references are found in cultures and civilizations as different as the Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, Greek or Roman.

What types of massage are there?
There are several types of massage. In fact, different cultures tend to have different preferences and habits in massage techniques. However, in general terms, some of the most common variations are:

  • Relaxing massage: Relaxing massage is based on the chaining of superficial maneuvers where the pressure and force used is gentle and light. The cadence and rhythm of the movements is usually slow and repetitive, which usually generates a general relaxation of the muscles thanks to the slow, repeated and constant contact. This is the most requested massage in cases of stress or when you want to relax the body and mind.
  • Decontracting massage: This type of massage focuses on the parts of the musculature that may have been strained by overexertion, poor posture, injury or overwork. The mission of the descontracturante massage is to release the accumulated tension and recover a state of normality in the musculature.
    Swedish massage: This type of massage usually incorporates long, deep, circular movements. It may include light strokes or vibrations, and provides a feeling of relaxation and general toning. In terms of pressure and intensity, it is usually placed between relaxing and decontracting massage.
  • Deep tissue massage: This type of massage applies slower and stronger movements than the previous ones. Its mission is to try to work on the deepest muscle tissues, hence its name. It is often applied in cases where the patient has suffered injuries and when it is necessary to repair muscle damage, although there are people who like this type of massage because of the noticeable pressure applied.
  • Sports massage: Normally includes manipulations and maneuvers similar to those applied in Swedish massage. However, a higher degree of pressure and force tends to be applied. It is especially recommended for people who practice sports activities and want to prevent certain injuries caused by overload or treat certain injuries.

What are the benefits of a massage?

The friction and manipulation that is generated through a massage has mainly a relaxing effect. It also promotes cell growth. The maneuvers and pressure promote blood flow. Basically, the purpose of all massages is to provide well-being through the reduction of muscular tension which, as we have said, can have its origin in overloads, intense exercise sessions or bad postural habits.

What is the best massage?

It cannot be said that there is a best massage as such, but everything goes according to the preferences of each person. However, among the most popular massages are the relaxing massage, the decontracting massage and the Swedish massage. Despite having different levels of pressure between them, all of them are pleasant.

If you have no previous experience with massages but are considering one and have no localized ailments, we at Colby Wellbeing suggest you opt for the relaxing massage.

If you have any type of contracture, if you have stress, suffer from back pain, suffer from involuntary muscle tension or have poor circulation, then we recommend that you opt for a decontracting massage or another option that suits your preferences depending on the pressure. Do not hesitate to discuss it with us so that we can adjust the treatment to what suits you best.

In any case, whenever you come for a massage at Colby Wellbeing, the effects will be noticeable and evident, giving you a healthy feeling of relaxation, eliminating muscle tension and improving blood circulation.

How do you know if you need a massage?

A massage can be something hedonistic and indulgent, that is, something we decide to do because we want to, just for the feeling of relaxation and well-being it produces.

However, as we have said before, massage has preventive and/or curative properties and can be especially appropriate if we have a sore area of the body, or when we suffer from muscle tension as a result of overexertion. Sometimes we may notice a contracture, limited mobility or a certain level of swelling … in these cases a massage is also usually the perfect ally to regain wellness and relieve tension.

What are the effects of a therapeutic massage?

With therapeutic massages we can work on the musculature or other soft tissues. In this way we can relieve contractures caused by bad postural habits, accumulated tension or lack of elasticity.

The more energetic massages achieve a more penetrating effect, reaching the deeper layers and tissues of the musculature. Gentler manipulations have a relaxing effect and generate well-being.

At Colby Wellbeing we will be attentive to your indications and we will perform a massage that meets your expectations. With our massages we will generate a state of well-being and relaxation in the body that are essential to face each day in a healthy way and with an optimal physical condition.

What is the difference between relaxing and decontracing massage?

The difference between these two massages lies in the pressure and the focus where the manipulations are performed. The decontracting massage is done to release the accumulated tension in an area of the body, hence the maneuvers are focused on a specific part of the anatomy, for example in the cervical area.

On the other hand, the relaxing massage generates a feeling of well-being and general relaxation throughout the body, so it does not focus on a particular area.

In the relaxing massage, slower and lower pressure maneuvers are usually used in search of harmony and reiteration. A lower level of pressure generates relaxation. On the contrary, in decontracting massage a more specific area is massaged to relieve or release tension, and this often requires a higher and more focused level of pressure.

If you have any doubts about which massage suits you best, don’t hesitate to ask us: at Colby Wellbeing we will advise you based on what you need.

In any case, and for your inspiration, our most requested massages are:

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