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Decontracting massage

A somewhat stronger massage than the relaxing massage that focuses on the parts of the body where there is tension.

Benefits of a decontracting massage

Releases tension

The decontracting massage works the areas where most of the tension is accumulated.

Contracture relief

The techniques and the intensity applied produce a sensation of relief even in the most persistent contractures.

Improves mobility

The relief provided encourages movement of the affected area.

The center and the massage cabin

Masaje descontracturante en Barcelona

Our decontracting massage

It is a massage where the areas of the back with more tension and contractures are taken care.

It is very appropriate when it is necessary to relax the muscles or dissolve contractures caused by bad posture habits.

What is a decontracting massage?

It is a massage that is stronger than a relaxing massage. It usually focuses on the part of the body where there is more tension. It works very well when it is necessary to relax the muscles or dissolve contractures caused by bad posture habits.

These are the main benefits of the decontracting massage:

  • Relief in pain and contractures.
  • Improved circulation and blood flow.
  • Relaxation and calming of the affected area.
  • Relief of cervical tensions.
  • Causes a feeling of well-being.

How do we do the decontracting massage?

The session begins by identifying the affected area, because this is where most of the massage will be focused.

To improve the glide we use essential oils that favor the relief of muscle tension. The affected areas are treated with circular movements, kneading with thumbs and knuckles, pressure sliding along the musculature or localized on a specific point.

What types of decontracting massage are there?

This type of massage changes according to the part of the body affected. In the case of postural problems, the maneuvers try to eliminate the contracture. In the case of people with sporting habits, it is often aimed at eliminating the overload produced by the activity itself.

When is a decontracting massage suitable for you?

The decontracting massage is very appropriate for women who have knots or contractures. It is very positive for those people who work in front of a computer or who exercise very repetitive and routine movements in which weight is moved.

Where is the decontracting massage done?

The most common areas are: Neck, cervical, back, trapezius, legs and other parts of the body that can suffer overload and excessive tension.

Why should you have a decontracting massage?

If you have bad posture habits, or a profession in which you spend many hours in front of the computer, or you repeatedly carry weights, the descontracturante massage will have immediate benefits on your body, since the sensation of relief in contractures and overloads is instantaneous.

What is the decontracting massage for?

Without realizing it, our body accumulates tensions throughout the day, which are caused by bad postural habits, exercise or routine movements. This accumulation ends up causing knots and ailments that the descontracturante massage will eliminate.

For whom is the decontracting massage indicated?

This massage is pleasant for all cases, but requires a little more pressure than the relaxing massage. Therefore it is recommended for people who suffer ailments in specific and identified areas, such as overloads and knots.

How long does the decontracting massage last?

The descontracturante massage usually lasts 60 minutes, but can be shorter or longer if desired.

What is the cost of a decontracting massage?

The price of a decontracting massage at Colby Wellbeing is 60 – 75€ according to its duration.